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Development blog #2

31st October, 2016, 17:47:06     GMSunset

Hello again Redmoon(2) community,

It has been about 40 days since the last development blog and we are back to show you some more progress. Enjoy!

What am I seeing?

  • Dropping items (quantity)
  • Picking up items (if it is yours)
  • Equiping/unequiping items
  • Drag and drop items
  • Shortcut using quickbar items
  • Item restrictions
  • Weight limit working
  • Using a booster
  • Using food
  • Cooldown on using items NOTE: this is just a test! :)
  • Item info PopUp
  • Binded items
  • Experation date on items
  • A (hint) message when an important item drops for you
  • Pick-up radius

The most important thing we would like to share at this moment, is the fact that items can have variable stats. In the last seconds of the video you can see 2 Plasma Gun's with different HP. To create more diversity all rare (green) items and even some uniques, will drop with certain random stats. For example a C-Vend armor might have 50.000 base defense + 0-10.000 random defense and 0-100 random power. So finding a near perfect C-Vend armor or an infrascope with the highest possible pick-up radius increase will make your day! Yes, as shown a little in the video, there is a pick-up radius which can be increased with items/skills.

So what is next? In the upcoming 2 weeks I will work on security and errors and after that start on player creation. In the meantime GMMeasure is working on a roadmap (design document) towards the Alpha with all the possible features.

What do we want from you? We love the input given so far, keep that going! Make sure to keep up with the polls and maybe let us know about your awesome Redmoon career or send us an awesome screenshot for the screenshot contest!

31st October, 2016, 18:21:29     MrWizard

Great work! This is all very exciting to see, and I can't wait for more. One criticism: The item bind text should read "Bound" instead of "Binded".

31st October, 2016, 18:40:47     GMMeasure

Thanks for the heads up. This happens when english isn't our native language. Always nice to have people helping us in whatever way possible :-)

31st October, 2016, 23:08:57     Spainyerd

Ahh! Super awsome, Great work. Loving the RNG for items, how some can be different than others. I am curious however, The Expire on a SunSet- how does that work exactly, and what does it do? and can items be "unexpired" With perhaps items gained from Group bosses or events?
Also, have to say the Tooltip for items is a huge up! Way to go-Looks great!

1st November, 2016, 04:07:31     MrWizard

"Thanks for the heads up. This happens when english isn't our native language. Always nice to have people helping us in whatever way possible :-) "

No problem. I can't program my way out of a wet paper bag, but I'll be happy to proof-read any thing you want!

1st November, 2016, 09:53:01     GMMeasure

There won't be an expiration date on Sunset items, this is merely to show how it would be shown in the tool tip. Expiration dates may be applied on items like Poison Pills, or Amnesia Greens. The same goes for the Quickynes, it shows only that items can have restrictions.

The Boss / Event thing is something we are looking into for quite a while. What can we do to add some decent new features to boost the economy, but not change the entire game in the process. We came up with a few

1st November, 2016, 09:55:16     GMMeasure

... things that we will get further into when the time is right. For now we are happy the item system is working and move onto the next items on the list! ;-)

1st November, 2016, 17:46:05     Spainyerd

Yeah sorry! Ifelt like I was pushing ahead a little was just curious! Thanks for info :D

1st November, 2016, 18:25:50     GMSunset

Every item you find will expire after 1 day ;-)!

1st November, 2016, 21:10:48     MrWizard

Question of the century: Is the Battle Dimension going to work (at appropriate level cap etc.)?

Regardless of how rewards and ranks and anything else about it is determined - I just want to see it work correctly for once, it would be pretty epic.

2nd November, 2016, 14:18:12     GMSunset

Yes Battle Dimension will be implemented but not at release:) A side from having BD, what do you think should be different from the old BD?

2nd November, 2016, 22:11:00     Spainyerd

If we trade items can it refresh 1 day expiration timer? Also , Can we buy +1day expire cards from Donation Website?! XD LOL

-Hmm, Good Question- I liked BD Original, with no Vend or SS or anything just reg Earth items and rares, but i dunno what other people liked. ** 1 thing i would change is NO SAFE ZONE 5mins before BD End? like the last 25 mins have a Safe zone or somthing but last 5 NO Safezone? Lol - Cuz people would just afk... and win cuz their friend let them get the kill or somthi

2nd November, 2016, 23:49:24     MrWizard

Yeah, I don't know how I feel about the safe zones and time limits. I think the original format worked very well, and it made the BD about player skill instead of a best-in-slot gear check. I think the 1k requirement is going to be a bit much (early on at least, depending on how many regular players you're able to get to come play and then retain). I know why they originally went with max level, because allowing a range of levels into the same match is pointless for anyone under the level cap. M

3rd November, 2016, 08:16:36     GMSunset

(Sorry for cutting your comment short. This has been fixed now.)

@Spainyerd and MrWizard
I think being able to join around level 200-300 would be perfect. What do you think?

Safe zone would be a cool option to decrease over time or make it so that staying in a safe zone means losing points (or not being in a battle in general).

Beside the PvM/PvP in the BD, the waiting time and how many BD there are every day/week is also important. I will ask GMMeasure to create a poll about this.

Also do you like the fact that dead=dead? Or should your points be cut in half if you die and give the points to the players who killed you?

How about the entry price? And the price you win?

PS. Keep asking Spainyerd, your items will now expire after 1 minute! ;-)

3rd November, 2016, 10:56:50     GMMeasure

I have added new poll questions regarding the Battle Dimension. Anything else? 8-)

4th November, 2016, 04:49:38     Spainyerd

aww SonOfA....*changes IP and SN name;*

5th November, 2016, 18:59:25     MrWizard

This is a small sustain, but seriously - thank you for giving the website an icon that populates in the bookmarks bar of chrome/Firefox! Nothing triggers my OCD like a missing icon T_T

5th November, 2016, 19:23:38     GMSunset

All programmers have OCD so I feel you :-)

7th November, 2016, 03:17:13     Friedrich907

So is lvling gonna be a click fest still? Or maybe a little more modern with cool downs on skills. Smaller mobs with more health? Make healer a class that could be used. Stuff like that?

7th November, 2016, 09:14:24     GMMeasure

As there are a 1000 levels to go through, lvling will have some kind of click fest in it, like in Redmoon1. But, there will be some variety to what Redmoon1 offers now. Mini boss(groups), map bosses and elite bosses will be both challenging and rewarding. As for the cool down on skills, I will make a poll for this.

We have looked into the skill kit of all classes and made adjustments accordingly. By the looks of it, there might be a (very)short cool down on Food-items. This creates an opening for healing classes, or better yet; support classes. For example, a Sadad is mainly a support class in the comics. In Redmoon1 he is neither a support nor a damaging class and thereby pretty much "useless" to many. In Redmoon2, Sadad will have changes to his skill kit. A little example would be when upgrading his "Heal" skill, Sadad will now also heal party members, instead of only himself. "Wary Cry" could be an insane defense/damage boost to the party for a short duration, with a certain cool down, to aid in boss fights. Making Sadad quite necessary to have in your party.

These are just tiny examples of what we have in mind. But, for the Alpha this isn't important. So when the time is right, we will share a lot more information on these new skill kits(of which I am certain we will ask for your opinion through the polls) and the skill system! :-)

7th November, 2016, 11:12:58     Friedrich907

I can tell its all in good hands. Cant wait!

7th November, 2016, 18:52:43     NaptownSleeper

I think someone might have mentioned this before but the constant walking bc of dexterity is a bit exhausting. Maybe bc I just restarted playing RedMoon and I'm a really low lvl and all alone ;( haha but I do see it's points about not being able to constantly run away from stuff. Just a thought that came to mind when playing classic :D

7th November, 2016, 20:53:02     GMSunset

We think max stamina is something that should increase as you progress trough the game. By either leveling, adding dexterity, leveling a passive max stamina skills, wearing special items, being in a group with a class with a good stamina buff. So at level 1 you will most likely be walking alot but at level 100 players should feel like running/max stamina progressed along with them. Also like mentioned by GMMeasure, running/casting won't be the only thing you will do in Redmoon2. Standing still before commiting to a boss or a special room and then go in a fight, is something that will also happen. Tough if you just like the running/casting there will be options to increase your stamina with items and passive skills which you can choose to wear/level.

9th November, 2016, 23:49:45     Spainyerd

I was wondering have you guys put any thought into having a "full screen" or "boarderless" option for display? so we can multitask :D ( netflix makes the grind right? )

10th November, 2016, 16:39:14     GMSunset

There is an option already to make the game full screen. Remind me to use this option when making the third development blog:). Boarderless might be possible, though I am not sure, never looked into this.

Netflix and grind... could be a good slogan:)!

11th November, 2016, 01:17:25     MrWizard

Redmoon grinding was always more tolerable than in any other game I've played before or since. The only reason I can come up with as to why that is, is the fact that the game was an old school Korean MMO, and never made any apologies about the fact that it had an insane XP curve. I remember my initial reaction to max level being 1000(+) was mind boggling.

My point would be: Please don't take away that grind factor (I know there's already a poll regarding this) because it's what makes Redmoon so memorable for me, and I'm sure many others.

19th November, 2016, 09:01:04     GMSunset

One small thing to make new players not go: "omg" at level 900, we increased the exp requirement for 880-900. But between 900-920 you need less exp compared to Redmoon1. Also I think grinding is not a bad thing if you have multiple goals: Experience, items and skill points. Plus if you have a change of pace every X time, for example killing a boss group, switching to a group map etc.