Redmoon2, the basics!

What is Redmoon2?

  • A whole new game + server engine, so anything should be possible to make (within the context of Redmoon);
  • Content up to level 1000 with all characters with new skills (900), eternal system (LMs);
  • !!!Battle Dimension!!!;
  • New rare items with random stats and a few base unique items;
  • New skill system with skill points and upgrades with revamped (special) skills;
  • New cosmetics to transform your weapon;
  • New quests/instances with more challenging fights;
  • New item shard system;
  • Crafting Nauthiz Bracers;
  • Auction House;
  • New energy system for Destino, Sadad and Canon;
  • Balance changes to items, skills, characters, monsters, experience;
  • PKing with a - and + honor system;
  • New HQ & Food Shop War system, with different objectives;
  • Mail system with the option to unlock account mail;
  • Group content, account buffs, all skills have (semi) meaningfull effects, a ton of new stat options;
  • Bigger resolution, world events, new bosses, no hard level cap, custom skill buttons, auto patcher, cheat detection, select target, account bank, account character upgrades, damage numbers, setup menu, group loot... and alot more!

Installation guide (Windows only)

  • Download Redmoon2
  • Install the game preferable in your drive root folder (C:/)
  • You are ready to go! :)
  • To de- or reinstall remove the installation folder after the deinstallation

Data Dictionary

  • With Skill Experience you gain Skill Points which can be used to level Skill Upgrades;
  • At certain quests you gain Skill Unlock Points which can be used to level up Red and Blue Skills. You can mix Red and Blue Skills;
  • By farming trees/plants in-game you gain Ultimate Skill Points which can be used for Ultimate Skill Upgrades;
  • With Soul Shard Fragments you can Shard your item and gain special attributes;
  • A Soul Shard Skill can be equiped in a Skill Shard Slot;
  • With Soul Shard Remover / Unlock Slot you can open Skill Shard Slots or remove the Shard property of an item;
  • With Soul Shard Piece you can Shard an item with more certainty;

Experience and skill experience

The experience you gain from monsters is different from Redmoon1:
  • When killing monsters below your own level you gain reduced experience. -1% per level with a max of -25% (soft level cap) before 800. After 800 it can be reduced to 25%;
  • When killing monsters you always gain the same amount of skill experience;
  • You need to be in a 25 range to gain group experience;
  • While grouped you gain 90% experience with 2 players, 95% with 3, 100% with 4 and 105% with 5 (based on the amount of members in range);
  • When a groupmember receive monster experience, it will check each other groupmember to see if they should receive experience AND quest kill based upon 3 checks:
    • If the Lowest Level of the 2 is lower than 200: Lowest Level + Lowest Level / 2 (minimum 20 and maximum 100) IS still lower than Highest Level = no experience;
    • Else if the Lowest Skill Level * 2 IS higher than Highest Skill Level, the grouping range is 100;
    • Else if the Lowest Level + ((((Skill Level of the lowest level player * 2)) / Skill Level of the highest level player) * 100) IS still lower than the Skill Level of the highest level player = no experience;
  • Skill Point system is now designed (February 2023) to let new players get to 10k skill points reletivly fast by building up the required skill experience slowly up to 100k required;

Debuff system

  • There is a new stat called debuff resist and a skill can have a debuff level;
  • The time or if a debuff hits depends on the debuff level and the resist of a target;
  • If the debuff resist is higher or equal to the debuff level, the debuff won't be applied;
  • For each level of difference between resist and level, 25% of the debuff time gets added. For example debuff level 5 vs. resist 6, is 25% debuff duration or 4 vs. 6 is 50% (with a maximum of 100%);
  • There is also a cleanse stat, which works the other way around (for example pass). With cleanse the REMAINING debuff time, which gets reduced based on the buff level + cleanse level vs. the debuff level;
  • NEW since December 2022: In PvP the damage from DoTs will be reduced based on the difference between debuff resist and the buff level. Start from -8 difference, each point of debuff resist will reduce 6% DoT damage up to a maximum of 50%. But these buffs will always apply for 25% of their duration if you have more or equal debuff resist vs. buff level (Effect doubles in open map, 12% reduction and 25% damage minimum);
Buffs work the same as the old Redmoon, except 2 new possible restrictions were added (moving and casting skills)

Skills & Targeting options

Attack, hit and defense formula

Step 1: Hit chance
SOURCE ACCURACY = accuracy + (dex OR spr / (dex OR spr + 1000) * 4000)
TARGET EVASION = evasion + (dex OR spr / (dex OR spr + 1000) * 5000)
BASE HIT CHANCE = Skill hit chance + Item hit chance

(Minimum hit chance is basehitchance - 15)


Step 2: Damage PVP or PVM?
If PVP, add PVP multiplier, flat attack etc to the base values;

Step 3: Damage Strength based skill
DAMAGE = Strength * (0.1 (Strength / 750)) + level * (1 (level / 50)) + Dexterity;

STRENGTH MULTIPLIER = (Strength / 2500) - 1;

    DAMAGE += Attack;

Step 3: Damage Dexterity based skill
DAMAGE = Dexterity * (0.1 (Dexterity / 750)) + level * (1 (level / 50)) + Strength;

DEXTERITY MULTIPLIER = (Dexterity / 2500) - 1;

    DAMAGE += Attack;

Step 3: Damage Spirit based skill
DAMAGE = Spirit * (0.1 (Spirit / 1000)) + level * (1 (level / 50)) + (Spirit / 2);

SPIRIT MULTIPLIER = (Spirit / 2500) - 1;

    DAMAGE += Magic Attack;

Step 3: Damage Destino skills
PRIMARY STAT = Strength or Dexterity (the higher one) + Strength or Dexterity (the lower one) with a maximum of your level * 10 (After 4000 each point will only count for 0.5);



    DAMAGE += Attack;

Step 4: Damage Amplify and Minimum/Maximum Damage
DAMAGE *= Damage %;

if (min/max damage is not 100)
    DAMAGE is randomly multiplied by a number between minimum and maximum damage


Step 5: Defense PVP or PVM?
If PVP, add PVP defense multiplier, flat defense etc to the base values;

Step 6: Defense
Reflect damage is handled at this point

DAMAGE REDUCTION = Damage reduction % * (1 - (Damage reduction % / 250));

DEFENSE TOTAL = ((Defense * Defense effect % - (Source)Penetration %) - (Source)Penetration) * (Defense %);


If (PVP)
    DAMAGE /= 2;

DAMAGE += Hp Current/Max attack + Backstab + Based on missing HP;

Animation- and movementspeed formula

IF MovementSpeed > 60
   MOVEMENTSPEED = 60 + (80 - (80 / Math.Pow(2.5, (100 / 60) * (MovementSpeed - 60) / 100)))
   MOVEMENTSPEED = MovementSpeed
For example from a quickyne with 60 movementspeed you get about 60 + 53 movementspeed, then adding Fresh Breeze with 60 movementspeed you get 60 + 71 movementspeed in total!
What does this actually say? With 60 + 53 movementspeed you will move 113 pixels per second or 226 when running.

IF AnimationSpeed < 50
   ANIMATIONSPEED = 50 + (25 - (25 / Math.Pow(20, (100 / 50) * (AnimationSpeed - 50) * -1 / 100)) * -1)
   ANIMATIONSPEED = AnimationSpeed
For example from a quickyne with -25 animationspeed you get about -18 animationspeed, then adding Nagrepar with -25 animationspeed you get -22 animationspeed in total!
What does this actually say? With 50 - 22 animationspeed each frame will take 28 milliseconds. An animation of 30 frames would than take 840 milliseconds to complete (Not accounting for skill animationspeed % and a static +4 frames each skill has).

Commands & quick buttons

Most options can be changed in the SETUP menu ingame
Commands Result
/?View available commands (check history)
/music NUMBERSet music volume between 0-100
/sound NUMBERSet sound volume between 0-100
/togglemusiclobbyToggle login music
/toggleaudioToggle music+sound
/togglesoundidleToggle idle sound
/shortkeymodeToggle shortkeymode for using quickbar items quickly (not for skills)
/unstuckMove to street2 (has cooldown)
/trade TEXTTrade a player (has to be in the same map)
/xyView location (in chat)
/a /g /l /n /wChange chat type
/a /g /l /n /w TEXTChat with messagetype
/logLog current status of the game engine
/block TEXTBlock messages from player
/blocklistView blocked players
/boostertimerShow booster timers
/selecttargetmodeToggle if you can hard select a target
/mouserangemodeToggle text on your mouse with the current range
/runmodeToggle running without alt key
/mousemodeToggle auto move to mouse
/gate MAP X YCast your dimensional gate through a command (requires skill or item)
/damagenumberscale NUMBERScale the floating numbers when casting skill or healing [0-300]
/showcooldownShow cooldown on status bar
/cooldowntimerShow timers on cooldowns (requires /showcooldown)
/questtrackerToggle quest progress (small window)
/showexperienceShow experience as floating numbers
/showskillexperienceShow skill experience as floating numbers
/roll NUMBERDice between 0 and NUMBER
/suppress MESSAGESuppress a certain system message, must be exactly the same (you can double click a system message which auto fills this command)
/unsuppress MESSAGERemove a suppressed message from the suppressed list
/suppresslistShow all the suppressed messages
/messageboxtimer NUMBERSelect how long the messages stay on your screen (seconds)
/appearofflineToggle "Appear offline" for friends, army and whisper
/timeView server time
Enter commands by typing /X ingame in the messagebox

Quick button Result
ALT + 1Ping your group: Notify
ALT + 2Ping your group: Warning
ALT + 3Ping your group: Point
ALT + TTrade selected player
ALT + GGroup selected player
ALT + RToggle resolution
ALT + FToggle full screen mode
ALT + UToggle UI border
PrtScnMake a screenshot (saved in root folder)
CTRL + F1Toggle debug modus
CTRL + F2Toggle debug information
CTRL + F3Toggle debug hitboxes
CTRL + C while hovering over an itemCopy stats of the item to your clipboard
DELETE while hovering over a buff iconRemoves a (positive) buff
EscapeDeselect selected target
Double click name in chatStart whisper
Shift + hover over buffShow buff stats
Shift + hover over cooldownShow cooldown timer
Shift + hover over ground itemShow item stats
TAB + hover over targetShow level + hitpoints of target
SHIFT + TABToggle PK mode
Hold down mouse buttonsRepeat attacking
SPACEABARShow items on the ground
SHIFT + SPACEABARPick up all items which are in range