Step 1: Hit chance SOURCE ACCURACY = accuracy + (dex OR spr / (dex OR spr + 1000) * 4000) TARGET EVASION = evasion + (dex OR spr / (dex OR spr + 1000) * 5000) BASE HIT CHANCE = Skill hit chance + Item hit chance HIT CHANCE % = BASE HIT CHANCE + Log2(ACCURACY / EVASION) * (115 - BASE HIT CHANCE) (Minimum hit chance is basehitchance - 15) HIT CHANCE % = HIT CHANCE % - TARGET MIS CHANCE
Step 2: Damage PVP or PVM? If PVP, add PVP multiplier, flat attack etc to the base values;
Step 3: Damage Strength based skill DAMAGE = Strength * (0.1 (Strength / 750)) + level * (1 (level / 50)) + Dexterity; STRENGTH MULTIPLIER = (Strength / 2500) - 1; if(STRENGTH MULTIPLIER > 2) DAMAGE += Attack * STRENGTH MULTIPLIER; else DAMAGE += Attack;
Step 3: Damage Dexterity based skill DAMAGE = Dexterity * (0.1 (Dexterity / 750)) + level * (1 (level / 50)) + Strength; DEXTERITY MULTIPLIER = (Dexterity / 2500) - 1; if(DEXTERITY MULTIPLIER > 2) DAMAGE += Attack * DEXTERITY MULTIPLIER; else DAMAGE += Attack;
Step 3: Damage Spirit based skill DAMAGE = Spirit * (0.1 (Spirit / 1000)) + level * (1 (level / 50)) + (Spirit / 2); SPIRIT MULTIPLIER = (Spirit / 2500) - 1; if(SPIRIT MULTIPLIER > 2) DAMAGE += Magic Attack * SPIRIT MULTIPLIER; else DAMAGE += Magic Attack;
Step 3: Damage Destino skills PRIMARY STAT = Strength or Dexterity (the higher one) + Strength or Dexterity (the lower one) with a maximum of your level * 10 (After 4000 each point will only count for 0.5); DAMAGE = PRIMARY STAT * (0.1 (PRIMARY STAT / 750)); DEXTERITY MULTIPLIER = (PRIMARY STAT / 2500) - 1; if(DEXTERITY MULTIPLIER > 2) DAMAGE += Attack * DEXTERITY MULTIPLIER; else DAMAGE += Attack;
Step 4: Damage Amplify and Minimum/Maximum Damage DAMAGE *= Damage %; if (min/max damage is not 100) DAMAGE is randomly multiplied by a number between minimum and maximum damage DAMAGE /= 5
Step 5: Defense PVP or PVM? If PVP, add PVP defense multiplier, flat defense etc to the base values;
Step 6: Defense Reflect damage is handled at this point DAMAGE REDUCTION = Damage reduction % * (1 - (Damage reduction % / 250)); DEFENSE TOTAL = ((Defense * Defense effect % - (Source)Penetration %) - (Source)Penetration) * (Defense %); DAMAGE = (DAMAGE - DEFENSE TOTAL) * DAMAGE REDUCTION; If (PVP) DAMAGE /= 2; DAMAGE += Hp Current/Max attack + Backstab + Based on missing HP;
Commands | Result |
/? | View available commands (check history) |
/music NUMBER | Set music volume between 0-100 |
/sound NUMBER | Set sound volume between 0-100 |
/togglemusiclobby | Toggle login music |
/toggleaudio | Toggle music+sound |
/togglesoundidle | Toggle idle sound |
/shortkeymode | Toggle shortkeymode for using quickbar items quickly (not for skills) |
/unstuck | Move to street2 (has cooldown) |
/trade TEXT | Trade a player (has to be in the same map) |
/xy | View location (in chat) |
/a /g /l /n /w | Change chat type |
/a /g /l /n /w TEXT | Chat with messagetype |
/log | Log current status of the game engine |
/block TEXT | Block messages from player |
/blocklist | View blocked players |
/boostertimer | Show booster timers |
/selecttargetmode | Toggle if you can hard select a target |
/mouserangemode | Toggle text on your mouse with the current range |
/runmode | Toggle running without alt key |
/mousemode | Toggle auto move to mouse |
/gate MAP X Y | Cast your dimensional gate through a command (requires skill or item) |
/damagenumberscale NUMBER | Scale the floating numbers when casting skill or healing [0-300] |
/showcooldown | Show cooldown on status bar |
/cooldowntimer | Show timers on cooldowns (requires /showcooldown) |
/questtracker | Toggle quest progress (small window) |
/showexperience | Show experience as floating numbers |
/showskillexperience | Show skill experience as floating numbers |
/roll NUMBER | Dice between 0 and NUMBER |
/suppress MESSAGE | Suppress a certain system message, must be exactly the same (you can double click a system message which auto fills this command) |
/unsuppress MESSAGE | Remove a suppressed message from the suppressed list |
/suppresslist | Show all the suppressed messages |
/messageboxtimer NUMBER | Select how long the messages stay on your screen (seconds) |
/appearoffline | Toggle "Appear offline" for friends, army and whisper |
/time | View server time |
Enter commands by typing /X ingame in the messagebox |
Quick button | Result |
ALT + 1 | Ping your group: Notify |
ALT + 2 | Ping your group: Warning |
ALT + 3 | Ping your group: Point |
ALT + T | Trade selected player |
ALT + G | Group selected player |
ALT + R | Toggle resolution |
ALT + F | Toggle full screen mode |
ALT + U | Toggle UI border |
PrtScn | Make a screenshot (saved in root folder) |
CTRL + F1 | Toggle debug modus |
CTRL + F2 | Toggle debug information |
CTRL + F3 | Toggle debug hitboxes |
CTRL + C while hovering over an item | Copy stats of the item to your clipboard |
DELETE while hovering over a buff icon | Removes a (positive) buff |
Escape | Deselect selected target |
Double click name in chat | Start whisper |
Shift + hover over buff | Show buff stats |
Shift + hover over cooldown | Show cooldown timer |
Shift + hover over ground item | Show item stats |
TAB + hover over target | Show level + hitpoints of target |
SHIFT + TAB | Toggle PK mode |
Hold down mouse buttons | Repeat attacking |
SPACEABAR | Show items on the ground |
SHIFT + SPACEABAR | Pick up all items which are in range |